11391 Franklin Blvd - Elk Grove, CA
About the Property

The Franklin Ranch is a 200 +/- acre property located directly next to the Sphere of Influence of The City of Elk Grove, CA. The property features 2 agricultural wells with 30 HP pumps and is currently flood irrigated. The property is also eligible to receive a second source of water from the Sacramento Harvest Water program pipeline, which is currently being constructed near the property. The program will reimburse all of the grower's cost of the turnout, booster pumps and all infrastructure needed to utilize the water. The land has been leveled and is ready to plant in the crop of your choice. The dairy facilities...

$4,400,000List Price
200acreLot Size
11391 Franklin Blvd
Elk Grove, CA 95757
Drew Rotner
Bokides-Hesseltine Real Estate Company
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11391 Franklin Blvd
Elk Grove, CA 95757